POT Branding House
Graphic Designer (2015-2017)
Senior Graphic Desiner (2017-2019)
Head of Design (2019-2021)
Art Director (2022-2023)
Partner, Design Researcher (2023-Present)
Institut Teknologi Nasional
Editorial Design – Assistant Lecturer, 2022
TABO Design & Build; Construction
Graphic Designer (2020-Present)
PixelNinja by Kuncie Telkomsel
Principle Mentor – Graphic Design (2022-Present)
Bandung Design Biennale 2021
Artistic Director & Design Development
AKARA Projects
Indonesia’s Design Material Culture Expedition
Brand Development & Graphic Designer (2019-present)
MOHOI (Morotai Home Indonesia)
Co-Owner & Graphic Designer (2019-2021)
AeroTerrascan & AeroGeosurvey Indonesia
Freelance Graphic Designer
Institut Teknologi Nasional
Designing Identity – Assistant Lecturer, 2018
Institut Teknologi Nasional
DKV Project – Assistant Lecturer, 2017
Institut Teknologi Nasional
Information Design – Assistant Lecturer, 2016
Natamemora Graphic Design Studio
Founder & Graphic Designer (2015-2017)
Akača Manifesto
Founder (2014-present)
ESDM Badan Geologi
Book Designer/Editorial Designer with Deni Sugandi, Oman Abdurahman, Ayu Wulandari “Kuke” & T. Bachtiar. (2014)
Museum Geologi Bandung
Geopark Batur Project – Graphic Designer (2014)
Museum Geologi Bandung
Geopark Merangin Project – Graphic Designer (2014)
Internship Student XM Gravity/Mirum, Jakarta, ID (2013)
Balik Bandung Photo Campaign
by Air Photography Bandung
with Galih Sedayu & Pandu Putra Pranawa (2014)
FODJI Fotografi Imadji – DKV ITENAS Bandung
Vice President (2015-2016)
Design Master’s Program
Bandung Insitute of Technology/Insitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Design Leadership; Multi-disciplinary Master Program (2023-present)
Bandung Design Friendly
Graphic Designer Students Forum in Bandung
Advisor, Community Advisor (2014-present)
Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia (ADGI)
Bandung Chapter – Head of Community Divison
(2015-2023), Advisor (2023-present)
Kelas Inspirasi 4 – SDN Balonggede Bandung
Indonesia Mengajar
Photographer (2016)
Kelas Inspirasi 1 – SDN Perkasa Cianjur
Indonesia Mengajar
Inspirator (2016)
Visual Communication Design
National Institute of Technology/Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS)
Graphic Design (2010-2014)
Conceptualizing Behind Design and Exploration, Dipa Inhouse, 24 Agustus 2024.
Terra Incognita of Creative Branding Industry, Petra Christian University, 16 Agustus 2024.
Kelas Gratis oleh Sanggar Ikhtiar & Graphic Handler, Introduction to Visual Identity, Cirebon, 10 Agustus 2024.
Seberapa besar dampak creative movement dalam kehidupan masyarakat, PANDIGRAM & Pallaka Movement, Pyur Makassar, 29 Juli 2024.
Kasat Mata with ADGI Makassar, Universitas Ciputra, Makassar, 28 Juli 2024.
Between Services & Social Impact in ADGI Malang Chapter, 20 Juli 2024.
BIDEA International Design Exhibition, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 20 Juli 2024.
ITENAS Praktisi Mengajar, Bandung, 16 Juli 2024.
Sumber Rancang, Wood and Brew Café, Tebet, 29 June 2024.
Designer Roles for Inclusivity, Sumur Bandung Inclusive District Platform (SBIDP EXPO 2024) by DILANS, 7 June 2024.
Visual Communication Design Sharing Session: Design, Challenge and its opportunity – IT Telkom Purwokerto, 17 May 2024.
NSIGHT’s ‘Italian-Indonesia Design Mingle’, hosted by NSTUDIO and Fedrigoni Indonesia, 21 March 2024.
TEDxBandung – Sharing Session, Online Events, 8 March 2024.
Jadi Gini Belajar Bersama (JGBB Expert), Sharing Session with Didiet Maulana, Online Events, 29 February 2024.
Tentang Desain Indonesia, Ultigraph – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, 10 November 2023.
Tentang Desain Indonesia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), 8 November 2023.
Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA), Lampung, 4 November 2023.
Nusantara: New Capital Transformation with Radit Mahindro and Debra Yatim, Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2023, Bali, 20 October 2023.
Lokakarya Pengembangan Nilai Budaya Terhadap Identitas Visual, Telkom University, 6 October 2023.
Branding Life into Nation’s Identity through Design, with Katarina Monika and Diaz Hensuk – IDEAFEST 2023, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), 29 September 2023.
Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PK-KM) 2023, Telkom University, 22 September 2023.
Bela Negara, Institut Teknologi Nasional, 11 September 2023.
Identitas Visual Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara, Institut Kesenian Jakarta, 11 August 2023.
Nusantara Goes to Campus, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, 7 August 2023.
Sharing Session: Desain Grafis Indonesia untuk Masa Depan, PIESTA – Institut Teknologi Nasional, 29 July 2023.
Budaya, Penjenamaan Kota dan Cipta Ruang, ICCN Indonesia Creative City Network, 27 July 2023.
Cerita di Balik Identitas Visual Ibu Kota Nusantara bersama Izhar Fathurrohim dan A Sobi Mutohari – Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia Cirebon, 7 July 2023.
Logo IKN Nusantara Interview – Live at SEA Today Morning Show bersama Primo Rizky, Strategic Communications & PR Director ADGI, Jakarta, 3 June 2023.
Guest Lecture at DKV Itenas, Brand and Visual Identity, 31 May 2023.
Ruang Riung 01: Proses & Pembelajaran Dibalik Rancangan Identitas IKN Nusantara 02, Capdangu, Bandung, 12 May 2023.
Paparan & Diskusi Publik 5 Desainer Terpilih Identitas Visual IKN Nusantara, ADGI Pusat Youtube Channel, 9 May 2023.
Sekata 2: Bandung Design Biennale 2021 Book Archive Launching, Design Centre FSRD ITB, 31 March 2023.
MGD Integrate – Brand Positioning: Why it Matters (Online Events), 23 February 2023.
Speaker at Soraya, ITENAS Graphic Design Exhibition, 30 November 2022.
Konvensi Rancangan SKKNI Kaji Ulang Bidang Desain Grafis dan Desain Komunikasi Visual, 3 November 2022.
Speaker at ADIWARNA 2022 with Wicky Syailendra, Universitas Petra Surabaya, 13 August 2022.
Speaker at UNCOVER/Dassein Design Bureau DASSKUSION 2: How Design Works Nowadays (Trends, Function & Way of Thinking) with Andi Rahmat NUSAE & Dani Dassein, Urbane, 18 June 2022.
Live Webinar with Kuncie by Telkomsel – Perjalanan Mencari Karakter Sebagai Desainer Grafis (Mentor PixelNinja), 21 January 2022.
MGD Internal Sharing – Branding Fundamentals, 15 December 2021.
Bandung Design Biennale 2021: Open Public Presentation by POT Branding House, 31 July 2021.
Temu Wicara Dokumentari Indonesia – Ruang Aman Bagi Penari, Perlukah? – Bersama Keni Soeriaatmadja, FX Widaryanto, Henrycus N.Sunargo, Kennya Rinonce dkk. 22 December 2020.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 for Poster Series Publication – Free Live Training Webinar with Thomas Lo from Tech Pac Indonesia, 17 September 2020.
Live Talkshow at Paradesia 9 “Selective” Online Exhibition Universitas Negeri Surabaya – The New Normal for Designers, 16 June 2020.
Speaker at MEANLINE #4, Telkom University with Idhar Resmadi, 11 October 2019.
Speaker at UXID Monthly Meetup #3, BLOCK71 Bandung, 7 September 2019.
Speaker at Gladispala 2019 DKV ITB Portfolio Review, BCCF (Bandung Creative City Factory) 6 April 2019.
Speaker at Friendly Session 3.0 by Bandung Design Friendly, In Search of Being A Soulful Graphic Designer, BLOCK71 Bandung, 10 December 2018.
Speaker at POSKO VISUAL by DKV Universitas Negeri Malang, Contextually Communicating Brand Identity, Graha Pancasila Balai Kota Amongtani Kota Batu,
1 December 2018.
Speaker at SpaceScape by HIMA DKV UNIKOM In Search of Being A Soulful Graphic Designer BDF Representation, Dago Tea House, 20 October 2018.
Speaker at How & Why 9: Mortals The Reality of Graphic Design Industry with Aulia Akbar & Ihsan M Farhan NuArt Sculpture Park, Bandung, 7 October 2018.
Speaker at JONGJONAN #8 by ADGI Bandung The Reality of Design Production with Aulia Akbar & Ihsan M Farhan Lo.Ka.Si, Bandung, 25 July 2018.
Mentor at Digital Mastership: Brand Strategist by Lingkaran Co Jakarta Brand Strategist with POT Branding House Freeware Labs Kemang, Jakarta, 21 July 2018.
Guest Lecturer at DKV ITENAS Editorial Design: A Search For My Own Grid ITENAS, Bandung, 20 April 2018.
Advance Design at MASARAYA Pameran Eksperimental Mahasiswa DKV ITB Gedung Gas Negara, Bandung,
11 Februari 2018.
In Search of Being A Soulful Graphic Designer Designer Talk Session, A Today Retrospective Academia Event by Design Hanya; Bandung Design Bienalle – ITENAS,
24 November 2017.
Meanline II Telkom University – 2017.
Curated Final Project Reviews.
Speaker at Words Between the Images: Our Identical Traces by FODJI DKV ITENAS – 2016.
Obscura Seminar and Exhibition: Street Photography Emergence by FK UNPAD – 2015.
LOOKFEST – 2015 Trans Studio Mall Bandung
Business & Branding Workshop
POT Branding House Representation
BRIEFCASE Talks & Exhibition by DKV ITENAS 2016
ADGI Representation
Sebelum Dua Exhibition by DKV ITENAS – 2016
BDF Representation
Lingkaran x Co & Co Coworking Space – 2016
Humanize Your Brand
POT Branding House Representation
GOOD DESIGN INDONESIA 2023 – Buku Kisah Kebaya, Graphic Design, Book/Publishment Category, Good Design 2023
5 selected designers from all over Indonesia for the Graphic Designer Incubation Program “Wonderful Design” Labuan Bajo, Flores – Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf) & The Indonesian Association of Graphic Designers (ADGI), Labuan Bajo 2-11 June 2022.
INDONESIA PAVILION Identity Visual at Messe Frankfurt Ambiente 2019-2020, Frankfurt, Germany – Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.
Collaterals Design for Swadharma Ning Pertiwi 28 Tahun Merajut Mimpi Untuk Negeri, syukuran usainya pembangunan patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana Ungasan, Bali – Design Director, 4 August 2018 with POT Branding House Team.
8 Kreator Muda Inspiratif – Garis Bawah x Kreavi, 2016.
1 of 100 curated Kreavi 100 – The Largest Indonesian Creative Network, 2016.
Founders of National Technology Institute (Bandung, Indonesia) Final Project Exhibition Programme: How & Why (2014) – Kresna Dwitomo, Ihsan Farhan, Aulia Akbar, Ridwan Mets & Tazul Arifin.
1ST Winner of Pankromatik Black and White Photography Photo Contest 2015 HMP Geografi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Bronze Trophy for Book Cover Design categories at Layang Kancana 2014 Anugerah Kreatif Bandung Layang Kancana 2014.
Bronze Trophy for Poster Design categories at Layang Kancana 2014 Anugerah Kreatif Bandung Layang Kancana 2014.
Best Symbiotic (Social Impact Project Based) Award Kriyasana Mahasiswa Desain Grafis (KMDGI) X & Jakarta Arts Institute.
1ST Winner of Bandung Car Modification Photo-Contest 2013, Clasmild.
3RD Winner of FIRST MOVEMENT Photo-Contest 2012 Institut Teknologi Bandung.
3RD Winner of Bandung Chartfest Photo-Contest 2012 Universitas Padjadjaran.
1ST Winner of Culture of West Java Photo-Contest 2011 Politeknik Bandung.
UAL (University of the Arts London) Student Challenge Collaboration 2024 – Transition Living Lab, Bandung Institute of Technology, 4 May 2024.
Yogyakarta Art Book Fair 2024, JNM Bloc Jogja National Museum, 1-3 March 2024.
The “Undiscovered” Territory of Design: Establishing Critical Design Discourse (Terra Incognita Showcase), Fragment Project, 12-21 January 2024.
Buku Kisah Kebaya, Good Design Indonesia & Good Design Japan Exhibition at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Jepang, October 2023.
Jakarta Art Book Fair 2022: M Bloc Edition, with TypeDialogue, Jakarta Selatan, 30 September–2 October 2023.
BEDA’KAN (Bedah Desain kemasan Nusantara) 7 Mandalika Chapter with ADGI & Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Indonesia, May-June 2021.
Exhibition: Romansa Kisah Kebaya with Didiet Maulana, House of Hadiprana, Jakarta Selatan, 19 April-23 May 2021.
LONDON BOOK FAIR 2019, Olympia London, Hammersmith Rd, Hammersmith, London W14 8UX, 12-14 – March 2019.
2018 CTA (Creative Talks in Asia) HIDDEN GEM Invitational Exhibition, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, March 2018.
The 4th Harbour; Project Exhibition by POT Branding House, 107 Garage Room, March 2018.
Bhumi Sumba; A Collaboration Project With Didiet Maulana from IKAT Indonesia, August 2017.
Menembus Langit Campaign – 2016 National Records; The Highest Drone Ever Launch in Indonesia with AeroTerrascan Indonesia.
NYLON Magazine – The Fox & The Thieves, May 2015.
Kelas Inspirasi Photography Exhibition, 2016.
ADGI Designer Response, 2015.
AQUA x ADGI Designer Response with Ihsan M Farhan, Yan Ahdiat Furqon & Visious Studio Jakarta, 2015.
ROI Radio, Volunteer; Journalistic Photographer – Festival Toleransi – Tabu Loro Show, LocArt 2015 – How & Why 3 – Sandang Pangan Papan Sayang – Radhinal Indra – Kampung Kolase.
How & Why – 2014 ITENAS DKV Final Project Exhibition.
Igloore – 2014 Maranatha University Final Project Exhibition Curated Final Project Category.
BRIEFCASE Exhibition Gedung Indonesia Menggugat, 2014.
LocaArt Exhibition, Galeri Hidayat. Curated by Anto Arief, 2015.
Pameran Saja – 2014 Photography Exhibition, Bandung With Sumarno Sandiarjo, Gusti Prabowo & Razky Sachruli.
Featured Works at Kreavi.com – Lowlight & Lookatyourself – Various Portraits – Eksplorasi Elemen Nusantara.
5 Top Entries from Bandung in Music Category Auroracoustic – Sat Under The Town. Go Ahead Challenge, 2014.