AQUA Designer Response


AQUA has been consistently featuring Indonesian artists for its special edition label. You might remember the previous special labels like the one designed by Renata Owen. This time around, AQUA collaborated with five Indonesian graphic designers and design studios in which four of them are part of the ADGI (Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia).

In correlation with the theme “Temukan Indonesiamu” (or “Discover Your Indonesia” in English), each artist highlight one Indonesian value that they found most intriguing and most relevant to Indonesian nowadays. Those values are sharing, politeness, friendliness, kinship and cooperation. Berbagi (Sharing) by Visious Studio. We are inspired by our daily life in the capital city Jakarta and we realized how sharing is actually a basic instinct of human being. Then we tried to visualize the idea into various form of sharing like tumpengan, gift-giving as well as sharing to the other living creature.

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